Monday, 7 December 2009

Twitter Overload! Site crashes Monday 7th December 2009

Well it had to happen.

Normally I would've
Tweeted this moment in IT history but...

When Twitter crashed this morning (approx 10am, Australian Eastern Daylight Time, Monday 7th December 2009) and promptly displayed this screen shot, there was no chance of tweeting it.

I blame Stephen Fry, noted Twitter tragic.

Fry (the British Actor/Presenter with the rapidly diminishing waistline) has been with Twitter since the dark ages and regularly tweets his heart out.

How do I know this?

Well because I like (I would have normally put his total number of followers in this line but with Twitter down - alas that information is not available to me) followers get his tweets daily. Admittedly they don't change my life but they are invariably interesting.

Which is pretty much why people use Twitter. They want to know interesting things that other people can bring to their attention.

But back to the Twitter crash being Fry's fault.

I have noticed that when he directs people to a website or blog via Twitter - the lifespan of that link's bandwidth is not long for this world.

So I've come to the conclusion that he's gone and linked his legion of followers to another Twitter page and the end result is this:

So General Melchett - you have a lot of explaining to do...

Just don't do it on Twitter.

Note: By the time this article was finished... Twitter was back up and underloaded at 10:33am. For the record Stephen Fry has 1,088,963 followers and has tweeted 5,014 times.
He also describes himself in his bio as: British Actor, Writer, Lord of Dance, Prince of Swimwear & Blogger and his website is: