Disney seems so intent on deconstructing the very fabric of Star Wars storytelling - so here is 20 minutes on how I would have written Obi-Wan Kenobi in the new Disney Plus TV Series.
This video is presented in two parts:
0:22 Part 1 - The departure from story...
7:07 Part 2 - Writing Obi-Wan in my story...
You should activate sub-titles (when available) as my Australian accent may be a challenge.
This is simply my viewpoint on why the 'deconstructing Obi-Wan' approach (through 3 Episodes as of June 5, 2022) for the current TV series makes little storytelling sense in what was the existing lore of Star Wars.
I believe if they had used this series to build Obi-Wan up prior to meeting Darth Vader, it would have made his fall into the 'old man in desert' category come A New Hope even more compelling than it was at the end of Revenge of the Sith.
But as always, evaluate the show in your own way.
Big shoutout to YouTubers HeelvsBabyface + Jayne Theory for providing the impetus for me to put this video together.
In their Episode 3 review, they so accurately identified how Obi-Wan Kenobi has NO agency in his own TV Series. Thanks team - this is the video the clip is from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPw9EpHZqbI
You can follow me @wdnicolson on Twitter and Instagram
Would appreciate any feedback in the comments below.
Warrick D. Nicolson